Monday, January 6, 2025


Today was a busy day. Actually this morning was unusually busy. I had three things--boom, boom, boom--on my calendar. Very unusual but I was on time for each one which might be something of a miracle. And I even made time to do yoga before getting dressed and I was still on time for BT's visitation. Not the best way to start a Monday but necessary.

This squirrel dispensed with leaping from the birdbath to the feeder roof. It just jumped up from the ground, turned in midair, and clamped its paws onto the feeder. Very acrobatic.

The flower today was Hyacinth. I painted it twice. I like the flower head of the first one and the stem and leaves of the second one. This is the first one.

My second thing to do this morning was a writing critique Zoom with LL and cda. When I got home from lunch (the third thing), LL had emailed me her comments on my submission so I spent a happy hour going over them and transferring most of her suggestions to my manuscript. I have about 70 more pages to be critiqued before I run out of pages to send. I think LL will be getting close to that point too. I suspect cda has a lot more pages to be critiqued. We'll get to them.

I drew a gratitude journal page tonight after supper. I wasn't sure I'd finish the Alpaca Mitten #3 so I put it on still in progress. The big grateful of the day was selling three books at lunch. Three! I controlled myself and didn't do a happy dance in the restaurant parking lot.

Alpaca Mitten #3 is finished except for needing to weave in a few ends. I finished one ball of yarn just before ending the thumb gusset so there are two ends there and then another end is right there at the start of the thumb. I wove in the top end and the top of the thumb end but I just tucked the unwoven ends under the mitten and took its picture. I'll sit down to do the weaving tomorrow before starting on Alpaca Mitten #4, the final avocado one. I made the cuff and hand longer on this mitten. It fits better.

I got to see grown people who I knew as kids at the visitation this morning. It's very strange to realize that they're no longer the children I remember even though I recognize that DS and DD have grown up. It was nice to have a short visit and catch up on their lives.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

The wildlife in your backyard does put on a show for you -- especially that acrobatic squirrel. Nice to have all that activity out there while you're warm and cozy indoors.