Tuesday, January 21, 2025

And I Was Out In It

Still bitter cold today but I got the opportunity to go out to lunch with two of my favorite people so I bundled up and went. I even wore a hat. I had the biggest patty melt in captivity. I didn't even have room to finish my little cup of coleslaw or the handful of chips. I didn't have supper either. They had burgers and fries and made them go away.

While I was still struggling to open the frozen-shut patio door this morning so I could top up the birdbath a Downy Woodpecker showed up and spent some time hammering at the rock hard suet cake. It managed to break off a shard and gulp it down. I don't know how the birds survive in this weather. You can see how fluffed up the woodpecker is. It wasn't until late afternoon that I got the door open so I could pour a little water into the tiny space in the birdbath that wasn't all ice.

Before I left for lunch I pulled out Half Hour of Pencil Power and drew what he calls the Marvelous Mermaid. I don't know if it's marvelous but the hair was a challenge to draw and to figure out what went over and under, which lines to erase and which ones to leave in place.

I knitted on a dishcloth this afternoon but left it in the car and I'm NOT going out into the deep freeze that is the garage to get it so I can take a picture of it. Nope, not going out there tonight.

Also this afternoon I wrestled with running the Disc Cleaner and Disc Defragmenter on the laptop in hopes that cleaning the computer's brain would let me download Kindle Create and it would run. Didn't work. My next step will be contacting Kindle Direct Publishing and asking for help. There's gotta be something wrong with the program. It used to work and now it doesn't. I'm a little steamed.

DS texted and said he's resurrecting our mid-winter Chinese New Year celebration that I used to have. I can't wait. I'll fold origami envelopes to put lucky money in and research everybody's Chinese Zodiac animal just for fun. He said they'll get takeout so no one will be chained to a wok for hours that day. Good plan.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Too cold!! You're brave to venture out but then the lure of a big patty melt can't be resisted. The Chinese New Year celebration sounds like fun. Glad they're keeping the tradition going.