Saturday, June 13, 2009

This IS so exciting!

I am so excited for you Barbara! My fingers and toes are crossed with best wishes that your work will be viewed, appreciated and accepted carrying you on your way to a world-wind book tour and an interview with Matt Lauer on the Today Show (or whatever morning show trips your trigger)....even if you have to share the spot with Jenny on "Mornings with Amy."

And you got a sparkly bandage to boot! Of course it doesn't beat those cute little bandages you get for a mammogram with the guiding nubs!

Love the piece about Luc - how relaxing and peaceful that sounds. Tuck that gem away for a later time as I think it's brilliant.

Write About A Spoon Inside a Dishwasher

The hum and rumble of the dishwasher coming to life awakened the spoon from its crusty sleep. Inside the machine, the occupants shuddered as the heater brought the water to a temperature and pressure necessary to remove the remains of the food particles and bacteria that coated its stainless surface. It was always with a mixture of loathing and anticipation waiting inside the dishwasher amongst other pieces of silverware and dishes, sometimes often for days, until the capacity had reached a level when it was acceptable for the appliance to be run. The spoon resented sitting in its own filth, crusted over with anything from oatmeal, to dried ice cream to the remains of peanut butter. Mixed with the company of others, the smell within the dishwasher was oppressive, especially in the summer. But once the first jets of water hit its surface, the spoon felt it could relax and savor the thirty minutes to make herself clean again. Of course there were times when another spoon, often that of a male variety, nestled against her back, creating a sickly mix of knowing her backside was unclean and realizing his dirty front was pressed up against her. This would result in being returned to the dishwasher for another go or hopefully dropped into a sink of hot soapy water for a full massage and rinsing. It was tough being a spoon, but at least she told herself, it was better than being a spork.

OK...this is what happens when cats wake you up at 4:00 am to demand supper and you feel compelled to write.....bleh

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