Saturday, October 13, 2007


Last night was a late one--for various reasons. Writing was short.

Orange breast and black head with its yellow-ringed black eye peering at me, the trupial loosed its clear piercing note to remind me that I had forgotten to put out the daily banana. I never imagined what I was starting the second day of our stay in the orange bungalow when I had tipped the scant one-eighth cup of sugar into a saucer and set it on the top of the patio wall to try to attract the little yellow and black sugarbirds. Remembering Julia leaving fruit out and attracting bats, we tried that too, but our results were very different. The sugarbirds, chuchubis, and trupials were all over the bananas and the bats flew down at night dragging their tongues through the sugar.

The birdbath is iced over this morning and there's frost on the grass. Brrrr. Winter's on the way. I solemnly swear I will not complain about how hot it is--humidity I still get to complain about--but not hot. Although it can stay 70-ish until March-ish, with a few days of cold and snow around Christmas and I'd be perfectly happy. I don't want much.


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