I looked out the patio door at the top of the retaining wall and there was green up there. So I grabbed the camera and took a little walk up the hill and there they were, daylilies, sprouting away. Hooray!
Also the daffodils in the front have really popped up. There's tulips and hyacinths sprouting too. It's lovely to see them all green and happy. We're supposed to have snow on Wednesday but they'll be just fine because they're Spring bulbs and that's what they're used to.
The Downy Woodpecker was back on the suet cakes this morning. She's found a good thing and she's sticking to it.
I realized that I'd started a drawing book a while back and had four more pictures to draw. It might be my Germanic drive to do things in the correct order, or maybe it's my Virgo perfectionism, but I pulled out the Half Hour of Pencil Power and drew the Bat Car. It's a little light because it's pencil but I think it turned out okay. I like the bat on the side of the car the best.
Then I was too tempted and turned to the second Warm-up in Sketchbook Challenge. It said to draw 30 shapes on my paper--squares, rectangles, triangles, or circles--then set a 5 minute timer, and draw something in each box. The time is so that you don't labor over what you draw but hurry through. I finished 27 of them before the timer rang, then I finished the last 3 to complete the task. I drew what looked like a kite in one box and then spent too much time drawing a kite tail in the box below that. I'm convinced that's what slowed me down and kept me from finishing in the allotted time. Like anyone cares.
And I had to paint a Peony, just because. It's the next flower in the online class. I think tomorrow it's a bouquet. I'm nervous about that already but I know if I just take it slow and hit pause a lot I can do it.
It wasn't even dark yet when I drew today's gratitude journal page. I was so grateful for the daylily sprouts that I didn't even mind the bunny hoovering up the fallen birdseed and cracked corn as fast as it could.
I worked on the manuscript this afternoon for a couple hours. I meant to try my hand at a new scene but got tangled up looking for a place to slot it in even before I wrote it. Can you say "procrastination"?
The computer fixit guy called to say that Windows 11 was corrupt and they had to scrape the hard drive clean and reload it and everything on there. Did I want them to reload everything that's on there or do it myself? I was tempted to have them do it but then he told me how much it'd cost. I'm doing it myself. I did it when I got the laptop, I can do it again. Happily I bought a pair of very high capacity USB drives that I can download almost all my files onto from this old computer and then upload them onto the newly cleaned one. It'll be a pain and time consuming, but I can do it. Now I just hope that Kindle Create doesn't crash the system again when I load it. Maybe I'll have them load it and try to open it so they can fix it if it breaks the laptop again.
I lay in bed last night convinced that I'm terrible at Amazon Ads, that I don't know how to put categories and keywords on my books so that the Amazon algorithm offers my books to the right readers. Of course the category of my books, contemporary women's fiction, is one of the biggest and not the most popular, like romantasy (romantic fantasy) or sci-fi or romcom, so I'm not writing to market. I have enough trouble thinking up what to write without trying out something new that doesn't come naturally. I am not a fan of nights like that.
Oh, and I spent most of yesterday afternoon installing and setting up a new modem and router that Spectrum sent. Naturally I couldn't do it myself by following the directions so I had to call a representative to help me. He was very patient and led me step by step through the process. Then all of my devices that connect to the internet had tiny little temper tantrums until I gave each one the new address and password. And I couldn't just trash the old modem, I had to take it to the UPS store and have them send it back to Spectrum. For free, fortunately.