I'm liking the way that the Red Gold Cowl is working up, although I do wish I'd have started the mistake rib sooner but I'm guessing it'll all work out in the end. Plus I can go back to standard rib when I get toward the end to balance it out.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Back To Sock-ing
I'm liking the way that the Red Gold Cowl is working up, although I do wish I'd have started the mistake rib sooner but I'm guessing it'll all work out in the end. Plus I can go back to standard rib when I get toward the end to balance it out.
On My Mark, Get Set, GO!

February 28--Philip Webb, Cabinet. "Where would you put it?" "In that niche next to the window in the dining room." He nodded and opened his mouth to speak. She cut him off. "Not the south window, the east window." "Oh." He shifted his weight to his other foot. "What would you keep in it?" She sighed. He was always so practical. Didn't he ever buy something just because he liked the way it looked? Probably not. "I'd keep serving pieces and linens in it." She felt the tension at his slow consideration of whether to buy the cabinet or not crawl up her body. Her fingers curled until her nails dug into her palms. "I guess we can buy it. Seems like a lot of money for a painted wooden box to keep placemats in." That did it. She was definitely kicking him out. Just as soon as the checks cleared.
You know, I wonder if that's the sort of thing that divorces are made of. I've never felt like getting one so I don't know what's the last straw but I imagine that many times it's something silly like that. I know, I know, it's a symptom of a larger problem. Durwood always was a traveling salesman, well, until about 8 years ago, so he went away so we each could live the way we liked, being alone on our own for days, then we could be together happily knowing that soon he'd drive away again. That's what makes this whole togetherness thing hard to deal with at times. We got used to something else, years worth of something else, and we both liked it. But we're figuring out how to be together more. Really we are.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
We Survived Tuesday
Then I went off to get my nails done and over to Skully's to not-knit for a bit. See, she invited me over to knit and I took my knitting but I'd been knitting pretty much non-stop since 10:30 AM and I think she only knits to knit with me these days so we just sat and talked and patted her dog and grand-dog to keep them from licking our faces.
I got my 36-hour runaway all set up yesterday before we left for the appointments. I called the Edge of Town Motel in Sister Bay and have a room for Thursday night. Then I called KS at The Clearing and we're meeting for coffee and a muffin on Friday morning and then we're checking out a reopened Red Sock Yarns before she has to go back to work for the afternoon. That'll give me time to then take a hike or a walk or a snowshoe and still get back in time for Friday Night Knitting, after which I'll come home around 9 PM, having been gone since about 9:30 Thursday morning. Sweet. It's important for me to be home because Saturday morning Durwood goes to breakfast with his Census 2000 cronies so I don't want to miss having the house to myself for a couple hours (which is what I miss most about Durwood not traveling) and we're having Family Supper Saturday so I'll need time to whip up whatever it is we're supposed to contribute to the meal that evening.
I feel better.
February 27--Eishosai Choki, A Party of Geisha in a Suzumi-Bune (a Cooling-Off Boat). Sumi was glad to be out in the boat. It was a hot summer day and the garden seemed to hold the heat. She felt strangled by the heavy perfume of the gardenias and tried to walk faster on the gravel path without Mama or Nana noticing. She knew that "ladies never hurry," she'd heard it often enough growing up. There were plenty of times she wanted to run or at least to go faster than a sedate walk but a bony hand would drop onto her shoulder and her pace would slow. She was surprised that she hadn't cracked a molar clenching her jaw to keep from arguing that she wasn't a lady, she was still a child. Nearly a child. She took a deep breath of the cool, river-scented air when she cleared the end of the plantings and there was the boat tied up at the dock and waiting to sail her away from the hot day.
Calgon, take me away. Remember that? Remember when they'd have had us believe that a softened bath would take away the stress of the day? It would only have worked if the woman's family had been taken away too so that no one would be clamoring at the bathroom door during that relaxing bath. It was a good fantasy though. Hey, snow blew in overnight. Not a lot. We're not supposed to get slammed by the latest storm, just hit a glancing blow. I'll take it.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
February 26--Christian Francis Roth, Dress. Pink and purple, pink and purple, those were the only colors Leeza liked and she painted every room in her house either pink or purple or pink and purple. She only like those colors. She drove a pink Toyota Camry and she had to have it custom painted. The summer after graduation she put a purple rinse in her light brown hair that made her skin look green. She didn't care. No one who knew her would have been surprised to discover that her blood flowed pink and purple too. It didn't. It was good old, all-American red blood, and it was all over the garage floor as it pumped out of the crushed back of her skull.
That's what she got for being a grown up woman who only liked pink and purple. Tsk. I hope your day's less blah than mine appears to be. Maybe I'll wear red shoes to liven things up.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Hawk Sunday
I went out for a while yesterday afternoon. Durwood stayed home and was treated to a front-row view of one of "his" hawks hunting, nabbing, and eating a sparrow right in front of his camera. Lucky him! It was still on the fence digesting when I got home but that's small cheese compared to the exciting arc of the circle of life he got to witness.
Is anyone ever happy with themselves just the way they are? No, really, I want to know. Right now, right this minute, I am sick and tired of trying to be ever vigilant about what I eat, weighing each and every morsel for how it fits into "the plan" and being filled with recrimination when I fail, which this winter has been most of the time, and not exercising enough to balance it out. Ptooi. I feel like I'm piling up grains of sand to hold back a tsunami. I just want to duck and cover. But with snacks.
February 25--Bali, Container, Powder Charge. Vincent stroked the tiny fur and feather flies. "Where did you find these?" The wonder in her voice made butterflies in her stomach. "I got them in an old junk shop out in the country. Will they be good to fish with?" He held the strip of sheepskin close to his chest. "If I fish with them I might lose them. I have other flies to fish with, these I'll keep safe."
And that's all there was. *sigh* I was really hoping for more, maybe a peek into the mysteries of the universe, but instead all I saw was the inside of my eyelids. Durwood just got up. Time to go have breakfast and get ready for work. Have a ... day.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
I like making dish/washcloths. I get to use colorful yarn and I can mix it up any way I want and no one will say that they won't wear it. (not that anyone ever says that to me since I'm a mostly selfish knitter but you never know) Last Friday night at knitting HH was working on a Double Thick Cloth and commented that she'd goofed up a row but was leaving it as a design element. KW was knitting one with the same pattern and some cotton yarn she'd reclaimed from a failed shawl, and she spent most of her time trying to recover from a mis-knit row. I said that I wasn't going to pull out my version of that project since the two of them had obviously filled the room with bad dishcloth juju, but then I couldn't resist pulling mine out and proving that the juju was just fine. It wasn't. I knit a row and tinked (k-n-i-t backwards) it. Knit a row and tinked it. Counted stitches (knit, purl, knit, purl...) and tried again. I finally succumbed to the bad dishcloth juju and put it away. When I got home, in better light and not laughing quite so hard, I discovered that I'd screwed up the row that I'd ended up on at home (what is so hard about "knit 1, slip 1"? evidently something but I don't know what it might be); that was what had set me on the road to failure. It's all fixed now. This pattern makes a lovely dish or wash cloth. It's extra thick and squooshy and it doesn't get holey when it stretches out when it gets wet.

It was so un-busy at work on Thursday that Leftover Starfish Dishcloth #2 got finished and I didn't even have to tack on another color of yarn. I wanted to. I would have done it in a heartbeat, but the end of the starfish came before the end of the yarn. There's very little of this color left so it'll make it into random colored dishcloth-land one of these days. It's all a part of my "use up what you've got" plan this year.
Since I finished the Bandwagon Afghan on Wednesday (yay! it only took 1 year and 10 months of non-continuous work) I got out the next project in my Onesie queue--the Red Gold Cowl. Once again the yarn's doing the work. The pattern's a simple "here's how many stitches I cast on and what yarn and size needles I used and what ribbing pattern" type of pattern. So I read her list of 8 or 10 cowls she'd made with this method, picked one and plunged in. The yarn doesn't have any give but I think I like the way it's looking. I might try doing mistake rib (rnd 1 [k2, p2]... rnd. 2 [k1,p2, k1]* repeat) now that I have a bit of k2,p2 ribbing done. One thing I do like is she says, "I'm not too worried if the round is complete when I bind off. I'd rather have used up all the yarn." Now I just have to figure out when to stop knitting and start binding off. I'll get there.
It was so un-busy at work on Thursday that Leftover Starfish Dishcloth #2 got finished and I didn't even have to tack on another color of yarn. I wanted to. I would have done it in a heartbeat, but the end of the starfish came before the end of the yarn. There's very little of this color left so it'll make it into random colored dishcloth-land one of these days. It's all a part of my "use up what you've got" plan this year.
I found out on Friday that the problem I was having with the snowblower not running smoothly was because of the ethanol in the gas I was using. No one even hinted that I might not want to use Regular gas! How's a girl supposed to know this stuff if no one tells her? The small engine guy told me to pour the rest of the can of gas into my car when I asked how I was supposed to get rid of it (d'oh) and siphon out what was in the gas tank using a dollar store turkey baster (oh, no, I'm not messing around with that) or buy a bottle of gas Magic that'd maybe take care of the problem. I opted for the gas Magic. I'll gladly do a lot of messy things but you won't catch me standing in the driveway with a baster sucking gasoline out of the snowblower and squirting it into the car. That is one recipe for disaster--and ruined boots and clothes, not to mention having gas running down Beverly's side and the driveway. No thanks. A quarter ounce of the Magic elixir in the snowblower gas tank worked just fine. I was able to clear the double driveway with minimal surging and no snub-outs. *nods in satisfaction*
In searching for a recipe for... something, I had to register for a couple of recipe sites and the "recipe of the day" one day was Orange Date quick bread. Oh, mama. I knew I had a few dates rattling around in the cupboard (of course not the cup called for so I slapped in a few golden raisins) and we always have oranges (since Durwood and I split one after supper ever night) so I just finished stirring it together and it's baking even as we speak. I can hardly wait until it's done and I can eat it. I just know it'll be awesome; it's somebody's Grandma Marilyn's recipe. I'll report. (once my mouth is empty)
February 24--Bali, Container, Powder Charge. In the package there was a row of eight small ivory cylinders with embossed silver tops and linked by a fine chain. Julia gave them to him as a gift for his fifty-eighth birthday. He unwrapped the fitted silk pouch. "What do I do with them?" She smiled at him. "They're to keep your powder dry." He laughed and swept her onto his lap. Together they uncapped each cylinder. Into each one she had put a small gift: a pair of gold and cinnabar cuff links, a strip of sheepskin that held three very special dry flies, a talisman medal from a shrine in Peru, a gold nugget watch fob, a silver doubloon from the Nuestra Senora de Atocha, a carved seed from Palau, a diamond tie tack, and, in the last one, a tiny gold key on a red satin ribbon.
Hmm, an interesting collection of things. I wonder what they mean. What does the key open? Beats me. Maybe I'll find out when I'm writing tonight. Don't touch that dial.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
It's Chicken Day
I've got cabin fever. I know I have it. I'm lethargic but I want to DO something or GO someplace. I feel like Durwood's gotten 25' tall and 60' wide and is filling up every molecule of space in the entire house. He's not. He's his same genial, tolerant self as always. He should be in the throes of cabin fever because it's been cold enough that he's staying in. He seems okay; I'm the one wigging out--on the inside for now, but I suspect that bits of it might be leaking out. I had cookies for breakfast yesterday and that's just not me. I want to stick to my eating plan but I don't want to stick to my eating plan. I want to exercise but I don't want to get up from the computer/couch. *sigh* Cabin fever. Gotta be.
Me and my big mouth. Remember I kept bleating about needing snow for the poor farmers? Yeah, me and my big mouth. We're ahead on snowfall so far this winter and it's just February. We've got March and most of April to get through before we reliably stop getting snowed on. Tsk. Sorry, guys.
Our land line was on the blink for no apparent reason for the last 24 hours. It was still off this morning when I got up but I unplugged the black box from the cable guys, plugged it back in, and it worked. I wonder if I'd done that last night if it'd fixed itself sooner. Don't know. So if you tried to call us yesterday, sorry, we were here we just couldn't hear you.
February 23--Kolman Helmschmid, Close Helmet with Mask Visor. The look on his face sent ice water through my veins. He was near panic. It was up to me to get us out of there. The day began so well. We picked up our rental car and he spent an hour with the map and the agent marking our route into the mountains. The day was sunny and traffic was light. After lunch in a village bierstube the day turned to worms. It clouded up and began to drizzle, not really rain but enough to need the wipers now and again. That made it hard to read road signs until we were right upon them, so we missed a turn, then we missed another whole town. Now we're lost. Martin doesn't do lost well and everyone in sight looks like a parolee. Even the children.
view of falling snow from my pillow |
Friday, February 22, 2013
Yep, It's Snowing
OMG, I just saw a cobweb big enough to capture a pterodactyl. Evidently I'll be wielding the dusting wand around the bedroom margins today. And here I was thinking I was keeping on top of basic cleaning around the joint... oh well, now I have something purposeful to do today instead of sitting on my keester knitting or sewing. I suppose that's better.
I had all of one paying customer yesterday. How they keep the doors open I do not know. But I'm glad that they do because in any other job I'd have to do actual work pretty much the whole time I was there and I'm out of practice. Plus my knitting output would suffer.
February 22--Henri Matisse, Icarus. She danced in the stars. The warm night enveloped her and the stars sang the melody that moved her. By day she was unremarkable but she blossomed at night. On clear nights she felt the stellar pull as the sun slid below the horizon and one by one the stars winked to life. The constellations were her partners in the dance. The moon chaperoned, offering her its cool blue light and warm gray shadows to rest in. She let down her hair at sundown. In her flowing robe the color of the midnight sky she stepped out her door to dance in the starlight to music only she could hear.
Oh, I liked that when I was writing it and I like it now. Enjoy your day.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Mama's Got A Little Headache
I'm not a drinker. I'm not good at it at all, never was. I admit that it took me a few years to get the message but now I know it well and good, and I really don't miss it. Last night Cookie and I went to the beer & food pairing dinner at Titletown Brewery so I drank more beer than I have in the last year, probably approaching a half-glass of it. And I have a little headache. How is this fair? There were four beers and one beer cocktail and I sipped a couple sips of each to taste it with the food--all forms of mac & cheese--only sips because I ask for a "no thank you" portion (my DIL1 taught me that) which is barely half an inch in the glass, and I rarely finish that. I don't deserve a headache.
Anyway, here's what we had:
a mac & cheese fritter with tomato bacon jam and mac & cheese "mock-i" rolls with pesto,
mac & cheese Napoleon (the crisps are baked Parm, mmm) and baked bleu cheese mac & cheese (the glass on the right is my usual portion, I dumped most of the glass on the left)
sweet mascarpone mac & cheese with cinnamon sabayone and berries.
Oh my. You wish you had been there. That fritter with the tomato bacon jam was To Die For. I wanted to weep when I couldn't finish the Napoleon because everything was so rich I got full. The dessert was okay, a lot like rice pudding and I'm not a fan, but that sauce was exquisite. You totally wish you'd been there.
And I finished my afghan at work yesterday. Yay!
February 21--Flemish, Stained-Glass Panel with a Knight and His Patron Saint. The sermon was long. No, they called it something else now, a homily whatever that was. Whatever they called it the priest was yammering on way too long. He was dancing all around his point which was basically "be nice." He had trotted out a few tired old stories of people not being nice but Gail had turned him out once she realized that he'd never get there, at least not in this lifetime. She smelled coffee brewing from the social hall in the church basement and wondered if they had those little lemon bars that she liked so much. That would be nice.
And I'm off. We're supposed to get 3-6" of snow by the end of tomorrow and it's supposed to start at about midnight. It's winter, it's supposed to snow, and I did say I wanted snow this winter, didn't I? Now I get to deal. Ah well.
Anyway, here's what we had:
a mac & cheese fritter with tomato bacon jam and mac & cheese "mock-i" rolls with pesto,
mac & cheese Napoleon (the crisps are baked Parm, mmm) and baked bleu cheese mac & cheese (the glass on the right is my usual portion, I dumped most of the glass on the left)
sweet mascarpone mac & cheese with cinnamon sabayone and berries.
Oh my. You wish you had been there. That fritter with the tomato bacon jam was To Die For. I wanted to weep when I couldn't finish the Napoleon because everything was so rich I got full. The dessert was okay, a lot like rice pudding and I'm not a fan, but that sauce was exquisite. You totally wish you'd been there.
February 21--Flemish, Stained-Glass Panel with a Knight and His Patron Saint. The sermon was long. No, they called it something else now, a homily whatever that was. Whatever they called it the priest was yammering on way too long. He was dancing all around his point which was basically "be nice." He had trotted out a few tired old stories of people not being nice but Gail had turned him out once she realized that he'd never get there, at least not in this lifetime. She smelled coffee brewing from the social hall in the church basement and wondered if they had those little lemon bars that she liked so much. That would be nice.
And I'm off. We're supposed to get 3-6" of snow by the end of tomorrow and it's supposed to start at about midnight. It's winter, it's supposed to snow, and I did say I wanted snow this winter, didn't I? Now I get to deal. Ah well.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Climbing Off The Bandwagon
This afternoon here at the dive shop I finished knitting the I-cord edging of the Bandwagon Afghan. My join is not tidy. I should have done a provisional cast-on so that I could Kitchener the ends together but I didn't and I am not going back to the beginning. It'll have to do.
I love the way the afghan looks. I love the colors I chose. I love that I used two natural colors of Lion Brand Fisherman Wool for for the log cabin parts of each square. I may not ever make an entire afghan of it again but I'm sure I'll make more mitered squares. This is a good pattern.
I love the way the afghan looks. I love the colors I chose. I love that I used two natural colors of Lion Brand Fisherman Wool for for the log cabin parts of each square. I may not ever make an entire afghan of it again but I'm sure I'll make more mitered squares. This is a good pattern.
The Wind As Sculptor
Just before sundown last night I looked out the patio doors to see the way the day's wind had sculpted the snow that blew in with it. It looks like a topographical map of the Grand Canyon or like the Russian Steppes--or so I imagine.
Being out in the cutting wind running errands made me think I should make cookies for the neighbor who cleared our driveway for me, so I called Durwood to ask him to put out two sticks of butter to soften for the cookie making. I didn't think it was that cold in here but when I unwrapped them hours later to plop them into the mixing bowl they were softer than they'd have been just out of the fridge but they weren't gushy like they'd sat on the counter for seven hours in the heated house either. What's up with that? We keep the thermostat set at 68 degrees, that should have softened the butter nicely. The cookies mixed up just fine after supper and they tasted the way they were supposed to (I tested various cookies just to make certain that the entire batch was fit for consumption--I'm a saint) but I wonder why it took the butter so long to get soft.
Yesterday was sign up day for lifetime Friends of The Clearing. I waited until about 1 PM to call since in previous years I've dialed and redialed for hours in the morning to get in. I dialed, the phone rang ONCE, and KS (just the person I was hoping to talk to) answered. It was so unbusy that we had time to chat before I signed up and gave my deposit for my place in the Writers' Wellspring in May. I usually go to the Women's Writing Retreat in September but since Durwood and I are planning a 2 week jaunt to the Carolinas in late September or early October I thought it'd be more considerate of Mr. & Mrs. Boss to spread my vacations out a bit. (I'm nice like that.) Besides it's been a few years since I've been up there in spring so I think it's time, plus May is closer to today than September is. EEEEE!
February 20--Egypt, Heart Scarab of Hatnefer. Jean felt the cool gold of the necklace warm as it touched her skin. She admired the gold glittering against her pale flesh. She ran a finger over the carved beetle shape. The ancient Egyptians believed that the scarab rolled the sun across the sky, so whenever she faced something that she wanted to be over with quickly she wore it. Not that she was a suspicious person, she wasn't at all, but why take chances.
Time to get a move on. I think I'll finish edging my afghan if it's not busy at work today and I'm meeting my pal Cookie for a beer & cheese pairing dinner at Titletown, where DS makes the beer after work. Yay, cheese!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
February 18--Charles Demuth, Mountain with Red House. With the windshield wiper smearing the rain, Cate's view looked like a watercolor. She knew it wasn't safe to drive that way but there was nowhere to stop for repairs, besides she kind of liked seeing the world in soft focus. Her fuzzy view of things made the world seem friendlier, less threatening than the sharp edges the world usually showed.
Zzzzzzz, that's when I conked off. I just looked out and our neighbor cleared our driveway. Thanks, LJ! Now all I have to do is vote and errand. Score.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Oh, I LIke These
sorry for the bad lighting |
It's A Huge Woodpecker
Then I wrote my article, ate supper, finished knitting a pair of fingerless mitts, watched Downton Abbey (gasp! sniff), read the article to Durwood then cut it in half, emailed it to TS, and went to bed. Lovely day.
February 18--Tiffany & Co., Tray. The fireflies in the undergrowth looked like tiny golden-green lanterns lighting her way. Elysse heard Max blundering around in the kitchen all the way down at the pond so she knew he was angry. She hoped he wasn't breaking any of her favorite pottery bowls. It had taken her years to collect them. She shook her head at that thought. How silly to think about bowls when her marriage was probably what was broken. She wasn't going to back down no matter how angry Max got. He could sell all his own possessions but this house on this land was where she had grown up and she would not sell. A great crash and crack of wood echoed down from the house, then all was silent. Maybe Max had knocked himself out. Silence was a relief after the evening's argument. She didn't hurry back to see what had happened.
Allrighty then. Time for breakfast, reading the paper, showering, and going to work. The sun's supposed to shine for a bit then it'll cloud up and it's supposed to rain by evening. How goofy is that? It barely got up to 20 degrees yesterday and today it's supposed to rain??? I don't get it. Ah well, I'll deal. You too.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
We're Counting Birdies
February 17--Tiffany & Co., Tray. Moonlight turned the surface of the pond to silver. The night was so still that there wasn't a ripple. The edge of the pond was blurry with reeds and a chorus of lovesick frogs sang accompanied by chirping crickets. Elysse walked around by the path holding her wrap tight around her shoulders though the night was warm. Her tears had dried on the walk over the lawn down to the pond. It was dark under the trees and the croaking and chirping stilled as she passed.
Well, that's not bad, is it. It'll continue tonight, I suppose. I'm off to count more birdies, and maybe even get dressed. Who knows? It could happen.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Crunchy Cold
February 16--Attributed to the Kleophrades Painter, Panathenaic Prize Amphora. Sue and Alan swam along the reef watching the shape of the coral change from the random jumble of coral heads and sponges to straight lines. Sue sand down to look closer and saw a painted face staring back at her. She cried out and motioned to get Alan's attention. She was busy examining a pile of round stones and reached out a hand to fan away the sand. Sue dug her slate out of her pocket and wrote "boat?" on it. Alan shrugged, took the stylus to write a couple questions marks to say he didn't know.
If I'd have stayed awake or thought this was going anywhere they'd have found a shipwreck with lots of artifacts but it just seemed too improbable so I quit and went to sleep. Sorry.
Friday, February 15, 2013
At the knitting guild meeting last night PH taught us how to put crocheted edgings on our knitting. She taught us how to do the Crab Stitch or reverse single crochet. It's awkward at first but it makes a nice edge. Thanks, PH.
Sunny & Damn Cold
February 15--Julia Margaret Cameron, The Parting of Lancelot and Guinevere. They knew it was wrong. They knew but they couldn't help themselves. Now they were caught in the betrayal and had to pay for their mistakes. The first punishment was for them to part. Jenny went to a cloister where she tended the poor and sick. Lance went to war. Art lost both his wife and his best friend. All were punished. All paid a heavy price for a few hours' indulgence.
Eh, it's not bad. It was a sappy photograph anyway and I was ready to turn out the light so I could snuggle with my forever valentine. Stay warm.
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