Monday, May 31, 2021

The First Lily

 I looked out the kitchen window this morning and there was the first Stella d'Oro lily bloom hiding behind a fallen iris so I hustled out to take its picture.  Soon there'll be a whole row of them to share.


There's also another French iris that opened overnight.  This one is at the renters' end of the wall.

The Wren has opened up a second birdhouse!  I heard him singing and looked out to see him on top of the first birdhouse, but an hour later he was popping in and out of the other birdhouse, the birdhouse that no bird has lived in for at least ten years.  So it seems like my Wren is a bigamist or at least hopes to be one.  I assume he has a mate in the first house and is looking for another mate to install in the second house, the cad.

Today's toss was a stack of tee shirts that I carried up from the basement.  Some of them got to stay because I think I can still wear them but most of them are nicely folded in the carton to go to Goodwill.

The prompt today asked what you'd like to be famous for.  I said that I'd like to be a famous writer but in reality I don't want to be famous at all.  I'm happy being a nobody living in the Midwest and dabbling in writing and sewing and knitting.

I spent the weekend working on the next art assignment.  I have a few things made but I'm not sure I'm done yet so I'm not ready to share.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I love Mr. Wren -- even if he's a cad! Hopefully you'll soon have two families out there to keep an eye on. I'm donating shoes to Goodwill. Skechers are my favorites now and my feet thank me!