Monday, May 3, 2021

A Rainy Monday

It rained last night and it rained in the morning, in the afternoon, and evening.  It's been a rainy day all around so there was no way I was going to go out to pull weeds to start clearing out the garden.  No way.


We had a new visitor at the birdfeeders this morning.  It's a Rose-breasted Grosbeak.  The squirrels kept chasing it away when they leaped up to get at the peanut wreath that I semi-filled yesterday but he came back again and again.  I'd been noticing a larger than usual House Finch female but it turns out the female Rose-breasted Grosbeak looks like that.  Cool!  Then I saw a pair of Cowbirds but they were off before I got my hand on the camera.  In the afternoon a Hairy Woodpecker came to the suet pellets but it, too, left before I got a picture.  I snapped one of it on the back fence but it was just a gray blur, dang it.  I hope they all come back again.  I think maybe my tenants' feeders are attracting a different variety of birds.  Yay!

The rainy, dreary day left me feeling uninspired and unmotivated so I started a Preemie Hat but only knitted a few rounds before putting it aside.  What I mostly did today was listen to an audiobook.  Just that.

Today's toss was a pink and white striped long-sleeved shirt with embroidered flamingos and rhinestones.  Very flashy and I love it but it's huge on me now.  *sigh*  Someone else will love it, I'm sure.

The prompt today said that a relative shows up at your door at a very inopportune time.  Do you let them in or tell them no?  I made up a couple arguing about money when interfering Aunt Gloria shows up, barges in, and starts to referee the argument.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Yay - a new bird. And a pretty one too. Your backyard is definitely a pit stop for many aerial travelers. So glad you got that really good picture to share with us.