Sunday, April 19, 2020


I took a tour of the yard today to see what's sprouting.  The lilac has little tufts of leaves,

so does the forsythia,


and the honeysuckle.  The birdie tree is tied by the honeysuckle so pretty soon I'll have to drag it to the street so that the honeysuckle vine doesn't grow in the tree and bind it up.

The blue squills are flowering.  I do believe that they're finally spreading out a bit after all the years of them staying in the tiny clump I got twenty years ago.

The grape hyacinths are blooming.  A lot of them.  I don't think they have a fragrance.  I'll have to pick one to see--or smell.

The white petal-orange center daffodil is fully open and I can see that this one's center isn't a trumpet at all.  The orange parts are splayed out along the white petals.  It's a measure of how quiet it is around here that I'm making a study of the construction of the various daffodils blooming in my front yard.

I spent an hour this afternoon rewriting a few pages of an old manuscript.  It's the end of a NaNoWriMo that I ended up hurrying to The End with a lot of pages of narrative.  (lots of "end"s in that sentence)  Now I'm going back and putting in dialogue and actions, making it more show-y rather than tell-y.

19 April--Bloomer.  

Babe, Girly, and the Ecklers five
had lots of fans in '29.
City champs 19-16,
crowds came to watch.
They wore shorts
instead of bloomers.

That's my grandma and her sister along with a bunch of other girls who played city league basketball in Evansville, IN in the late 1920s.  They had good legs and showed them off.

My renter is making her sister's wedding cake and baked a practice one today.  She shared a slice with me--yellow cake with strawberry jam between the layers and vanilla icing. Yum.

Waking up at 6:15am means you're tired by 9:00pm.  I keep dozing off.  G'night.


Aunt B said...

Oh those scandalous Gerst girls! And you even immortalized the Ecklers. I do love the picture of that wonderful basketball team hanging in my "ancestors" room. Favorite of your pictures today is the first one. That blue sky gets the blue ribbon. Good thing you've got lots of flowers to share. Speaking of sharing - thanks to your renter for the wedding cake sample. Sounds like something from "The British Baking Show."

Today's poem:

Instead of shopping all over town, staying home and hunkering down.

Kathy E said...

You make my day every day with your comments and poem!