Thursday, April 23, 2020


I did laundry today.  Not bales of it but a good amount for one lone broad stuck at home for weeks.  I wasn't going to take its picture because who really wants to see my laundry but then I realized that I didn't have anything else going on, so here you go.

I spent part of the afternoon staring out the patio door waiting for a bird to come and pose.  First this little chickadee obliged,

then a different male goldfinch came and posed in semi-profile so you can see his lovely wings.

And once the laundry was done I sat down at the computer and worked a bit more on that old manuscript.  I have one more paragraph to expand before I give myself a break, print a copy, and then set about retyping it to search for places to put in more story.  I've got just over 39k words and need at least that many more.  That's a tall order.  Maybe this will be a novella.

This evening I finished Car Knitting Warshrag #18.  I just realized that I need to find a different name for these cloths since I'm not knitting them in the car or in waiting rooms.  Quarantine warshrags?  Safer at Home warshrags?  I know! Stuck at Home warshrags!

23 April--Turn the page.  

Pages turn to start and finish,
to draw us in,
to signal the end.

Calendar pages flutter
like a manic flipbook,
time passing too quickly,
falling from the wall
like autumn leaves.

Book pages pull us
into a story,
take us to new worlds
where time passes unnoticed.

Our lives are lived in pages.
Ready for the next adventure?
Turn the page.

It was chilly (in the high 30s) and overcast again today.  The only time I went out was to fill the birdbath.  I'd like warmer weather, please.  And sunny days.  I'm sick of winter in spring.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Desperate times call for desperate measures -- like trying to make doing the laundry last all day! Ventured out yesterday to the grocery but saved packaging and freezing the meat for today's afternoon activity. I try to make reading the paper last all morning. The pages of our lives are turning very slowly right now. (Love your poem for today.) When will it ever end???

Today's poem:

What to do to make time go by? Watching the news brings a tear to my eye.