Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Snow & Birds


This morning the Cardinal really stood out when it visited the platform feeder.  It was sunny (in the morning) and the red feathers contrasted nicely with the fresh white snow.

Then the Downy Woodpecker asserted its dominance of the seed wreath, chasing off a sparrow that dared to try sharing.

For most of the day I thought about how I could make 4 fairly equal loaves of Semolina Bread (for once) and decided to dump out all of the dough, cut it into quarters, form, and bake them all.  Worked like a charm.  And now I'll have bags of yummy bread in the freezer for a while.  Well, what doesn't get eaten next weekend and I'll admit that I'm not taking it all with me anyway.  I will, however, remember to take along my $8 Walmart toaster since we've never found a toaster up there.  Have toaster, will travel.

This afternoon and evening I cast on and completed January Preemie Hat #1.  I'm hoping to have a couple more made by the end of the month.

And that's it.  Once again I didn't write the prompt.  I'll see if I can't eke one out tonight but I'm not making promises.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

You are a master baker (and don't say that fast when you're describing yourself!). That bread looks beautiful. Great way to start the new year. Love the shot of the cardinal and the snow. Looks like winter.