Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter!

Last night I reminisced about Easter when I was a kid and this morning Aunt B remembered an Easter when her children were small. NH had on an outfit that Aunt B made and LD wore a little sport jacket and a hat. That sparked a memory so I paged through an old photo album and I found a picture of them! This is in the front yard of Grandma and Grandpa Stephan's house more than 50 years ago. I can't believe that I found it. There are Easter pictures of me and my brothers too. Maybe I'll scan those in some year and post them too.

I glanced out and saw a Goldfinch on the finch feeder. He's definitely gotten more yellow in the last few days. I was just happy to see any bird on that feeder.

A couple of the hyacinths are starting to bloom. They don't have the big flowers on them like they're supposed to have but they're purple and they smell good. I'm not complaining.

This morning I pulled out my watercolor things and booted up a YouTube painting video about painting leaves. I tried painting leaves all over this paper. Stroke down, stroke up, one stroke, two strokes, and in just about every color. Some of them aren't bad. Some of them suck. I have to keep rewinding the video to see how to hold my brush because I can't seem to remember. I'm determined to get it. One of these days.

After lunch I sat down and put all of the audiobook corrections I've compiled this week into a Word document so that I can send it to CAS tomorrow. I had a lot of fun figuring out how to bold some things and underline others so she'll be able to understand what I mean. I'm such a nerd. I really enjoy doing stuff like that, nit-picky things.


I was invited to DS's in-laws for Easter dinner and had a lovely time. Even better, HZ sent me home with leftovers. Mm, ham, potatoes au gratin, carrots, a crescent roll, and cheesecake. Oh boy, lucky me.

It wasn't difficult to find things to be grateful for today. What was a challenge was choosing what few things to put on the page.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I can't believe you found that picture of LD and Nancy from all those years ago! I lost so many pictures in the hurricane. Thanks a million times over for posting it. Sounds like you had a wonderful day.