Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Blahs

It was gray and drizzly and chilly today and I just couldn't muster up any oomph for doing anything. I tried to write and managed to fill two pages but it's pretty pathetic.

I went out and took a picture of the last Black-eyed Susan before the rain started. It's standing up tall back there all by itself. Most of the plants are turning yellow and dying back but this flower isn't going along with the whole end-of-the-season program.

The daily art page said to fill this half-page with doodles so I got a new pen and doodled. I'm not a natural doodler but I tried.

The next page in Sketching was cocktail glasses. Whee! See how I offset the straws? It's called refraction and I'm impressed that I remembered it.

After supper I knitted on the Get Off My Lawn! sock gusset. I've got about six more rounds of decreases before it's time to knit even down the foot. Man, that thin yarn/skinny needles knitting goes slowly. I probably should have picked up the big yarn/big needles cap that I started last night to have a more satisfying yarn experience but I didn't.

Today's toss was a bottle of hand lotion that I'll never use because it has a very strong fragrance. It's labeled Poinsettia and I didn't think they had much fragrance but evidently somebody does because the stuff reeks.

I spent some time searching through the car looking for my little lost purse and even went to the birdseed store where they very kindly checked their security video for last Saturday to see if the purse fell out in their store. It didn't. I can't stop thinking about it, it's driving me crazy. I even dreamed about it. Gah!


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