Saturday, August 6, 2022

Laundry Day

I went downstairs to hem some pants this morning and ended up doing the laundry. I don't know why, there wasn't a lot of it to do, but it seemed like a laundry day. So I did it.

I managed to snap a blurry photo of a Chickadee at the feeder. Those little rascals don't hold still long enough for me to take more than one shot and it's usually not in the best focus but I do like them.

While the wash was flopping around I booted up last November's NaNoWriMo manuscript and reread it hoping to find something to like about it, something like a plot, and inspiration for a title. I do like the story, it isn't as terrible as I remembered but I didn't discern a clear plot and didn't find a title. Maybe the next time I reread it. I hope.

I did a little drawing between wash loads too. Today I started the "P" Lesson in the 3-D book so that meant five different versions of the theme letter.

Then I dipped into the 10-Steps: Everyday Things to find this makeup bag and remover pads. What an odd thing to draw but it wasn't difficult and I think it turned out okay.

Today's toss was a Novel Writing Kit of which I have two. I couldn't find my original one, ordered a new one, and then found the old one as soon as it came. Of course. So I'm passing on the new one for some other budding writer out there in Goodwill-land.

It was hot and humid today so I stayed indoors doing wash, drawing, and reading my manuscript. It was a pretty productive day.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Maybe your novel could be titled "Undecided". Laundry day here today. I'm following in your footsteps.