Monday, August 8, 2022

A Case of the Blahs

I just couldn't muster up enthusiasm for doing anything today. It was too wet and dreary to mow the lawn, I'll try tomorrow. All I did was watch TV most of the day with a little bit of knitting to stave off guilt feelings.

I did go out in the wet grass to take a picture of the Stargazer lilies. The first flowers are fading but more are opening. I had to toss the one I had in a bowl on the table. When I got up this morning I saw that all of the petals had fallen off so out it went. I guess that's my toss for the day.

The next figure in The 15-Minute Artist was a broken doll. Creepy.  She looks like a character in a horror movie. I intended to get out another drawing book and I did get out a couple of them but nothing appealed to me so I put it all away, gave up, and finished watching the fourth season of Last Tango In Halifax.

Today's daily art page said to fill the space with stars so I got out my brush pens and used the fine point ends to make stars in many colors.

And that's it. I spent an hour writing a scene for November 2021's NaNoWriMo manuscript. I've had the word "dreams" floating around in my head for the title. Shifting Dreams. Floating Dreams. SCUBA Dreams. Something like that. I'll keep thinking about it and maybe something will gel.

Thanks for calling, Aunt B, you were a bright spot in a dreary day.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I hate days like that. Maybe because it's Monday and a hangover from the days we had to go back to work after the weekend. For whatever the reason, I'm glad it's Tuesday. Bridge day for me!