Friday, July 1, 2022

Very Sparse

I got here to blog and realized that my stock of photos today is very sparse. I have no bird pictures and no flower pictures. I didn't even paint this afternoon, I just ran out of time.

I have a couple drawing pictures. The next lesson in You Can Draw In 30 Minutes was a pencil. A pencil, really? Yep, a pencil. And not even a big pencil but a short, sharpened to a nubbin pencil. I drew the main lesson and then turned to the Bonus Challenge where I was faced with another pencil, this one supposedly 3-D. I drew them both on the same page because it seemed like a shame to use up a whole page for one measly short pencil.

At my Women's Spirit Zoom this afternoon we talked about joy and RA mentioned a gratitude journal. I hadn't done a gratitude journal page in more than a week so I decided to set my hand to one. I hurried over to the Sunny Hill Farm truck stand this morning for another two quarts of hand-picked strawberries so that started my gratitude page off right.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I knitted two rows on the Simple Alpaca Shawl, which I am confident that I will finish sometime before the next millennia, then I switched over to the Seagull Washcloth version 2. I was knitting along and realized that the little colored speckles had stopped appearing so that I had a stripe of near-perfect white but that's okay, it's just a washcloth.

Every time I look out at the backyard to admire the expanse of straw and grass seed I wonder where all the mice that used to live there have gone. Hopefully they aren't trying to move into my house, maybe they've moved to LJ's next door because he has a nice weed patch in his backyard. Maybe I'll put down some Decon in the shed tomorrow.

Today's toss was an old padded carrier bag that we used for little picnics when it was just the two of us. On the upside there was a pair of Tupperware salt & pepper shakers in there that I've been wondering where they got to.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Sunshine and strawberries! Definitely two things to headline your gratitude journal page. Good thinking about the Decon. Those mice had to go somewhere.