Friday, July 22, 2022

Just Knittin'

Today is Friday and that means Friday Night Knitting with my Zoom friends from way back. We used to meet at the Harmony Cafe next to Goodwill, then when that closed we moved into the Community Room at Goodwill, then COVID hit and that was the end of in-person knitting. Now we can't go back because we've acquired a member who lives in San Francisco. That'd be a long commute to knit for three hours. I finished the Fruit Punch washcloth and still have a walnut-size ball of cotton yarn left. Dang it! I tried so hard to plan to have hardly any left now I have those few yards left. What to do? What to do? I won't throw it away

Then I worked on the Simple Alpaca Shawl. I've been working on it for months but it's so boring I add a few rows and then put it aside. Tonight I did three rows. I usually try to do it in sets of two so that I always end in the same place but I'll have to make sure that I pay attention when I pick it up again. I haven't knitting on the brioche beanie at all this week either. It hasn't been a knitty week.

A couple of the Stella d'Oro lilies are still blooming. I think the heat wave has forced them to bloom all at once so there isn't the long row of yellow flowers like there usually is. That's okay, when it cools off a bit I'll bet they'll start up again.

I didn't do a great job of drawing the set of dice from You Can Draw It In 30 Minutes. I thought it wasn't too bad but looking at the picture I really missed symmetry and perspective. Sometimes I just can't win.

I had better luck with the next figure in 10-Steps: People. This is the first guy to draw and I think he turned out okay.

On today's watercolor I tried my hand at the pink-ish day lily. I for sure didn't get the paint color right. I'm not sure how to make the paint lighter without adding white. Maybe make it more diluted?

A Goldfinch landed on one of the crooks and then the birdbath but it didn't stay long enough to have a picture taken, darn it. Then a Downy Woodpecker landed on the feeder but it didn't stay very long either. Yesterday I was sitting at the table and looked up in time to see a Hummingbird hovering in front of the patio door and looking in but, of course, it flew away immediately. I'm not having much luck taking bird pictures these days.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Too bad that SanFran knitter can't just Zoom into your meeting no matter where you are. At least your group is still together. Sometimes it's nice not to have to go out.