Thursday, April 14, 2022

Didja Miss Me?

I kind of missed you although my days were filled with writing, walking, talking, laughing, and a little crying. I took my trusty Alphasmart along and sat myself down on Tuesday and Wednesday and managed to bang out about eleven pages of first draft writing. Hooray!

The weather on Monday was perfect. Lala, KP, and I walked around The Clearing visiting all the parts of the place and enjoying the sunshine and spring breeze. Tuesday was half-nice although it was cooler and Wednesday was dreary and kept spitting rain in the afternoon and evening. Fortunately we were spared the pouring rain and therefore mud that was promised, it was just a little puddley when we came back from supper last night. Today it was downright cold and so windy that driving home was a real challenge. I took the easy way out and drove home through town instead of taking the quicker but way-up-high bridge. Too scary on such a windy day.

I confess that I went to the bookstore/giftshop twice. I've never been there this early in the season and the selection was vast. I bought myself a shirt and some gorgeous wrapping paper and cards, then I found some gifts for LC and OJ, also a drawing book that I can copy pages and share with them. Here's my swag. I already wore the shirt.

I took my drawing things along but only managed to sit myself down to draw once--on Tuesday. I drew this sprig of juniper out of the 10 Steps Nature book. I really like that book and I like the drawings I make from it.

Look at what greeted me when I went out to get the mail when I got home--hyacinths! They aren't as lush as they have been in the past, it's probably time to dig them up and spread them out, but I'm ever so glad to see them.


And the crocuses have survived the bunny depredations too. Look at this clump of them all ready to shine. Now if only the stupid rabbit doesn't come and nibble them all overnight...


I didn't toss anything today unless you count the dead bouquet that I threw away when I got home--and I do, that was definitely a toss.

All of my bread was a big hit this week. I took a loaf of onion bread that I had in the freezer in addition to the Semolina bread and cornbread and it almost all went away.

I got all my things unpacked, the dirties down the chute, the dishwasher that I left full of clean dishes emptied, and I nearly fell asleep in front of the TV at about 8:15 so I came in here to blog and I'm going to put myself to bed early. I slept okay up at The Clearing but I'm not used to having someone else in the house so I woke up just about every time Lala got up and you know that middle-aged women get up to whizz in the night at least once. Plus it's windy and cold and it's warm and snuggly in my bed.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Welcome back!! Looks like Spring sprung while you were away. Nice sight to see. And that blue, blue sky at The Clearing. Sounds like a successful "get away" in every sense of the phrase.