Thursday, September 15, 2022

And I Started Work On Another One

 I have a few old manuscripts that are almost done. They're the writing equivalent of a knitting project in timeout. So I loaded up Horizon onto Kindle Create and spent the day reading through it, working on the formatting and updating the tech references. My eyes are a little cross-eyed because I spent most of the day sitting here reading but I got through it and now I can let it percolate for a few days. Yes, Better Than Mom's is in the queue but Horizon is closer to being finished, which means all of the writing is done. Trust me, you'll like it.

Thanks for all of the congratulatory comments on FB on yesterday's post. You guys gave me goosebumps.

The bronze-y, copper-y sedum has started blooming and when I went out to take its picture there were bees on the flowers too. Hello, busy bees.

This Goldfinch is definitely a male that has assumed his winter coloration. *sigh* It sure doesn't feel like winter is approaching, today it was 80 degrees and humid and I had the house open, but seeing this yellowish avocado bird tells me that it's coming.

I kept working on the skill levels of the Blocks lesson in You Can Draw In 30 Seconds! this afternoon when I needed a laptop break. I was supposed to make these piles much bigger but I just wasn't in the mood.

I also drew another one of the Embellished! pictures in the book. It made me smile. Square wheels!

Tonight I knitted a few more rows on the Into the Wind dishcloth but my eyes were achy from sitting at the computer all day so I put it aside to come back here to blog. And spend more time looking at the computer. Brilliant, Barbara.

I didn't toss anything today. I don't even have a box ready to receive a toss. All I did was read and do a little drawing. My eyes are tired and so am I.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

A new chapter in The Life and Times of Barbara Sue -- published author!! Another of your talents out there for the world to see and appreciate.