Saturday, June 4, 2022

A Good Day For Red

 I mowed the lawn this morning so my morning was filled with green. After that--and a shower--I hauled out my drawing things.  My favorite thing I drew today is these Cornflowers. They're out of 10-Step: Nature and are just as satisfying as the previous things from that book were.

I was less enamored by the next figure in the 3-D book. It's some kind of launcher, at least that's what he called it. I streamlined the picture a little but you get the idea.

When I was mowing along the retaining wall, I spotted the first yellow Stella d'Oro lily of the year.  Hooray!

Then I saw that the French Irises down on the other end of the retaining wall have started to bloom too. I thought about printing off this picture and using it for today's postcard watercolor but then I realized that I'd have to use purple and decided against it. Maybe tomorrow.

Instead I pulled out one of KA's notecards and painted some red tulips. I like the background with its multiple greens and other colors mashed together. This is what I wanted to learn in class, freedom. You can see that the masking tape I used to secure the postcard to the board ripped away the top layer of paper across the top of the card. I expressed frustration at that last night at knitting and KW said to try drafting tape. Well, I went on Amazon and there's such a thing as drafting artist's tape so I ordered some. It supposed to be less sticky so maybe it'll keep the paper from ripping when I remove the tape.

In bird news, the Sparrows have discovered that the suet pellets are tasty so they've been clinging to the mesh feeder and having a feast. It isn't just one of them either, seems like they all take a turn.

Today's toss was a handful of small flags on sticks. I don't know where they came from and I won't use them. Buh-bye.

There's a concert over in the Titletown District a mile away and I can hear the music and some singing. I can't imagine how loud it is in person if it's audible so far away. Glad I'm not there. It's not my kind of music anyway.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Oh yes -- your cornflower painting is a thing of beauty. And the photo of the iris could have been one of your efforts. That Nature book is definitely a great inspiration for you.