Sunday, December 26, 2021

Not A Darned Thing

I almost stayed in my Fa-La-La-Llama pajamas all day but I managed to get into the shower around noon so the day wasn't a total pj day.

Today's drawing out of the 3-D book was the beginning of the C section so I drew six different versions of the letter C (I added one to round out the page and make it symetrical).

Then I turned to the next lesson in the Draw Squad book and sketched those six little cartoons. After all this time I've finally started to add my own "extras" to the pictures instead of always just copying what's in the book. Maybe my imagination is finally waking up.

At least one of the Christmas cactus buds is starting to bloom. I fear that the smallest one will never get bigger and the next biggest one looks dead. Seems like I'll only have one flower again this year, but that's better than none.

I didn't knit. I didn't write. I didn't toss. I didn't prompt. I went to the grocery (again) because I got the wrong size package of frozen egg noodles and I needed a couple other things and it's supposed to start snowing tonight. Then I spent the evening on the couch watching Call the Midwife reruns. I am endlessly entertained by that show. I also watched Ghosts On Demand. It's a CBS sit-com that one of the Friday knitters recommended about a couple that inherits a haunted mansion. The wife can see the ghosts and the husband can't, hilarity ensues. It's pretty cute and funny.

That was my whole day. Boring, isn't it?


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I hear you about the return to the grocery. I do that all the time -- get home and immediately remember something I forgot. My favorite "re-run" show is "Escape to the Chateau." I love it even the second time around. We're sisters under the skin! No wait -- we're actually related!