Thursday, July 29, 2021

A Fun Day

I had a blast today.  Late this morning was the Vacation Bible School concert so I had to go to beam at LC and OJ as they sang about their week with all their new friends.  After the performance I got invited to lunch with them and the other grandparents.  They were off to the zoo after lunch and I got to go along too.  OJ invited me and it turned out I'm the only zoo member.  I got everyone in on my family membership so I got to treat.  The coolest thing was that we passed a group from a Boys & Girls Club only to discover that one of the kids' cousins was in the group.  He doesn't live in town so it was a real surprise to see him.  OJ was thrilled that we kept running into OZ all afternoon.  It was a good day.

This morning the Red-tailed Hawk landed on top of the fence and surveyed the area.  No squirrels or chipmunks to terrorize so it flew away.  I'm always glad to see it.

The Black-eyed Susans are blooming up a storm.  Their bright yellow petals make me smile.

Speaking of yellow, another of the Stella d'Oro lilies opened up a flower today.  I'm impressed that they keep popping up.

I finished up July Preemie Hat #3 this evening.  It isn't often that I knit one in a solid color and in white, no less, but this is the yarn that was handy when I needed to start the next hat.

I dug around in my knitting bag and found my car knitting bag that has lived in the house since March 2020 and decided to cast on a dishcloth.  This is a modification of an old pattern called Grandma's Favorite.  The person that published this version said that the original's unsquare corners and wonky angles drive her nutty so she change the pattern just enough to satisfy her need for symmetry.  It made me smile.  Somebody can always use a washrag.

Since I spent the majority of the day away from home I neither tossed anything nor wrote the prompts.  I woke up to find that my Garmin Vivofit had tanked overnight so I ran to Batteries + on my way home from the zoo and got new batteries installed.  It only took a few minutes and they just charged me for the batteries, not installation.  What a deal.

Oh, and the thunder that I heard last night was the extent of the storm here in Green Bay.  I guess that about an hour's drive south of here they got the wind and rain but we were spared.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

What a treat to see your smiling face this morning! You did indeed have a good day with the kids. No wonder you look so happy. Glad that storm missed you.