Friday, June 11, 2021

The Last Poppy

 One more poppy picture.  The last poppy bud has opened and survived the wind and heat to entertain and amaze me.

But then there are the poppy seed heads.  I love their green color contrasting with the purple top.

The spiderwort is really blooming today.  The flowers are alive with busy bees filling their leg pouches with pollen.  I couldn't get a bee to pose but, trust me, there were a lot of them.




First thing this morning I saw a flash and looked out to see this Downy Woodpecker having a sip at the birdbath.  I was quick enough to get this one picture before she flew away.

Last week, maybe two weeks ago, when I visited DS at Zambaldi he was brewing a new beer called Charlie Gerst Pilsner, after my great-grandfather who was a home brewer in the 1920s.  I took his picture and my phone stopped letting me send it to my email so I was stuck.  Then yesterday I had a brainstorm.  I opened my email on my phone, attached the picture to the email, and sent it.  It worked!  Now I have to remember what I did so I can do it again.

I keep adding rounds to the Chocolate Snow Day hat and it seems to be growing out more than up, so much so that I'm going to have to frog it and start again because I don't have enough yarn to keep going.  Besides if I finished this hat it'd fit Sasquatch, it's that big.

I had an assistant today so we went through the kids' books to see if we can get rid of any.  We have a lot that will go to good homes.  I think I'll take them to the library for their book sale.

The prompt today said you're alone on a desert island.  Do you prioritize food, water, or shelter?  I said water because you can live a long time without food but not very long without water.  I'd need to find a stream or a spring unless it's a true desert, then I'd need to figure out how to tap a cactus and access the water inside.  Of course, I would need to have a spile in my pocket.  If I have pockets.  (a spile is the doodad that you use to tap maple trees for their sap to make maple syrup)


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

That downy woodpecker looks so small. Somehow I thought they were bigger birds than that. Love that the name Charlie Gerst will live on in the beer world. We do have wonderful memories of him. Hope the library will accept your book donations. Ours won't because of Covid! But there's always Goodwill. I bought a darling little book -- "If I Found A Wistful Unicorn" -- at Salvation Army -- for a quarter!!! Sweet story -- a bit like "The Boy, The Mole...." I've read it more than once so it was definitely worth twenty-five cents.