Friday, February 26, 2021


The squirrel was shy today.  Every time it climbed up to the suet pellets it turned its back to me.  No way could I get a squirrel face picture, only a squirrel back--and bushy tail, of course.

It was sunny and 40 degrees today so I decided to take a walk.  It was a good thing I decided to put on a hat and scarf (figuring I could take them off if I was too warm) because there was a chilly wind blowing in my face half the way around.  Brr.  The sunshine was nice, though.

I knitted on the Greenie Beanie tonight at Friday Night Knitting.  There's less green on this hat than I thought there'd be looking at the skein but I'm not changing the name at this stage of the game.

I spent an hour this afternoon portioning out a bag of M&Ms, one of pretzel twists, and one of animal crackers.  I know it seems like pointless work but having the precounted portions of snacks keeps me from plunging a hand into the bag and hauling out a mitt-ful of goodies.  Keeps me closer to the straight and narrow.

Today's toss was a stack of plates that were lurking behind some paper napkins in the basement.  I was surprised to see them since I had gotten rid of the rest of that set of dishes years ago.

The prompt today was surprisingly difficult.  If you had to live your life in a movie, which one would you choose?  I went way back and chose High Society an old Grace Kelly and Bing Crosby movie with a lot of singing and no violence.  I don't want to live in a violent place.  No more violent that the place and times I live in already.  If I get to choose, I choose a fantasy.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

The squirrel picture today was a puzzlement. Finally figured out he's upside down -- at least I think he is. Forty degrees sounds livable. Glad you got to take a little walk outside == even if it was windy.